Linear algebra library for the Rust programming language.
Vectors and matrices
The fundamental building blocks of linear algebra: heap or stack-allocated vectors and matrices parametrized by their dimensions.
Decompositions and Lapack
Compute matrix decompositions, and solutions to linear systems. Benefit from efficient Rust implementations, or Lapack bindings.
Points and transformations
Strongly typed geometric entities like points, rotation matrices, quaternions, isometries, similarities, projections, etc.
nalgebra-glm, for computer graphics
Use the nalgebra-glm crate for a simpler, straight-to-the-point, graphics programming-oriented API. Inspired by the C++ GLM library.
nalgebra-sparse, for sparse matrices
Use the nalgebra-sparse crate to work with sparse matrices based on the CSC and CSR formats.
Wasm and Embedded programming
Use and compile nalgebra for browser applications or embedded targets that do not support the Rust standard library.
Forever free and Open-Source
Built with a FOSS mindset, we aim to empower the Rust and web communities with an efficient linear algebra library.